*POSTPONED* 2020 Environmental Youth Conference: Earth Optimism Summit

Event Date:
Start Time: 10:00 a.m.
End Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Lowell High School - Freshman Academy Cafeteria
More InformationWe are sorry to say that the Lowell High School 4th Annual Environmental Youth Conference has been postponed.
This decision was made in the best interest of our community to take the precautionary steps to limit the risk of COVID-19.
CALLING ALL TEENS – Get motivated & inspired for what WE can do for the environment right now.
*FREE* Lowell High School student run 4th Annual Environmental Youth Conference led by Teens Representing Environmental Excellence & Stewardship (T.R.E.E.S.) and COMPASS Environmental Adventures
Hosted in partnership with Mass Audubon Drumlin Farm
Join high school youth from around the watershed:
Connect with nearby teens and share projects & ideas on how to combat climate change
Participate in hands-on activities like DIY reusable bags , beeswax candle making, and so much more!
Meet and speak with experts in the environmental field
Free lunch, guest speakers, & more exciting announcements to come!
Saturday, March 14th, 2020 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
To RSVP your teen group:
2022 Virtual EYC RSVP/Contact US
2022 Virtual EYC RSVP/Contact US
For more info contact KDurkin@LowellLandTrust.org