A Visit with the Congresswoman

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Lowell Leaders in Stewardship “Environmental Adventures” students met with Congresswoman Tsongas and Head of School Brian Martin in early 2017 to talk about the projects they have in the works for the rest of the school-year.

Youth-designed zen garden

Zen garden prototype, designed by Amina Bangura, Lily Chhun, Naihla Parrilla, and Amelia Mom.

LHS ninth-graders Amina Bangura, Lilly Chhun, and Naihla Parrilla shared that this spring, they plan to build a zen garden in the alley next to the Freshman Academy.  They came up with the idea when raking the alley this past fall, commenting on how relaxing raking can be.  Inspired by the existing but unused garden beds, they hope to provide a place for busy students to rake stones, and relax.  The garden will also prevent storm water run-off from draining into the Merrimack.

Congresswoman Tsongas' River Day 2015

Lowell High School students with Former Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, and Congresswoman Niki Tsongas on River Day 2015

The Congresswoman also brought up River Day 2017, which she holds annually to celebrate the rivers that connect her district. She loves to involve local students in this important celebration, and has invited Lowell High students in the past.