Eco-Mobile Rollout

| Categories: Environmental Education, News
small model ambulance with "Eco Mobile, photos of youth and rafting" table decoration. Flowers on top of truck

LP&CT is expecting the donation of a former ambulance that will be converted into our very own Eco-Mobile. The Eco-Mobile will be used as a mobile classroom and storage for tools for our clean-ups and stewardship projects.

Not only will a vehicle  save the wear-and-tear on the Spalding House, where we currently have to store our tools and education supplies, but we will be able to engage with the community in a whole new way.

We’re asking for your help with the design of the exterior so that we’re more visible around the city. We estimate the cost of getting the vehicle on the road to be $5,000. An anonymous generous donor has pledged a match of $2,500 if we can raise an additional $2,500 to cover the cost for the design of the exterior of the Eco-Mobile.

FUNDED – Thank you to our “first responders” that supported this campaign!

Donate to LP&CT Eco-Mobile