Donahue Park (Fairmount St)


95 Fairmont St., Lowell, MA.


Park is easily accessible to visitors from Fairmount St. Passive recreational activities are permitted.

Parking: Street parking is available along Fairmont St.

Park is easily accessible to visitors from Fairmount St. Passive recreational activities are permitted.

Parking: Street parking is available along Fairmont St.

A Neighborhood Park

Fairmount Street, also known as Donahue Park, is situated on a hillside in the Belvidere section of Lowell. It offers the community an opportunity for leisure in a small country-like setting located in an otherwise dense, residential neighborhood. Donahue Park is composed of two smaller parcels that formerly had houses upon them.

The park includes an open lawn, three garden beds, and native, ornamental trees. The lower portion of the property has apple trees and the upper portion has two elm trees.

During late fall through early spring, the park offers views of the city of Lowell and surrounding towns to the north and west of the city.  On a clear day, Mount Wachusett can be seen in the distance to the west.

Wildlife Habitat

Donahue Park offers forest edge habitat in a primarily residential area.  The property provides habitat for urban wildlife, such as songbirds, gray squirrels, red-tailed hawks, and small mammals.  This open green space is essential to preserving the biodiversity of the neighborhood and in providing a place for quiet respite and enjoyment for neighbors.  Solar-powered irrigation helps to keep this park green and growing.

This property was was generously donated in two phases, initially by Joseph E. Donahue, Jr and then by Richard and Nancy Donahue.

Get Involved

Volunteers play a critical role in helping us care for and monitor our properties. If you would like more information about any of the properties or would like to volunteer as a land steward, please let us know at (978)934-0030. Action projects, in addition to regular site monitoring, on this property could include:

  • Basic landscaping

  • Gardening

  • Litter collection

  • Stewardship with abutters

As a land steward you help provide the additional eyes and ears we need on properties that staff can’t visit as frequently as we would like to.  If you can take a regular walk to Donahue Park, you can be a land steward!  Check out the birds, maybe pick up a little trash, and let us know if you see anything really interesting or out of sort (e.g., a tree that’s fallen, irrigation not working, or a broken sign). We have an easy online monitoring form that you can send to us at any time.