Edwards Soccer Fields


Edwards St Lowell, MA 01851


Directions & Parking: Edwards Field  From I-93 / I-495 / US-3, take US-3 North toward Drum Hill   Take the Route 4 exit, EXIT 32, towards N. CHELMSFORD / CHELMSFORD   Turn SLIGHT RIGHT before lights at the end of the ramp onto DRUM HILL RD. (towards shopping areas)   Follow past plazas   DRUM HILL RD. becomes WESTFORD ST. (bearing left at land fill / auto dealership)   Stay STRAIGHT continuing onto WOOD ST. (you should be in the right lane as you approach the Rourke bridge)   Turn RIGHT onto MIDDLESEX ST. (Located at based of the bridge, Do Not Cross)    Turn LEFT onto EDWARDS ST. (your first left, field is at the end)  PLEASE USE the LOT at the END of the STREET, NO PARKING ON EDWARDS STREET and CARS WILL BE TOWED   If you miss the Left onto Edwards, please simply proceed to the next left (immediately after JiffyLube) to parking located on the other side of the Edwards field complex (turn right)  in the back part of the lot in front of the old Sterling Building (grey building) next to the Temple  THERE IS NO PARKING IN THE TEMPLE (PINK BUILDING) LOT.  This lot has more parking and easier in and out.  .

Directions & Parking: Edwards Field  From I-93 / I-495 / US-3, take US-3 North toward Drum Hill   Take the Route 4 exit, EXIT 32, towards N. CHELMSFORD / CHELMSFORD   Turn SLIGHT RIGHT before lights at the end of the ramp onto DRUM HILL RD. (towards shopping areas)   Follow past plazas   DRUM HILL RD. becomes WESTFORD ST. (bearing left at land fill / auto dealership)   Stay STRAIGHT continuing onto WOOD ST. (you should be in the right lane as you approach the Rourke bridge)   Turn RIGHT onto MIDDLESEX ST. (Located at based of the bridge, Do Not Cross)    Turn LEFT onto EDWARDS ST. (your first left, field is at the end)  PLEASE USE the LOT at the END of the STREET, NO PARKING ON EDWARDS STREET and CARS WILL BE TOWED   If you miss the Left onto Edwards, please simply proceed to the next left (immediately after JiffyLube) to parking located on the other side of the Edwards field complex (turn right)  in the back part of the lot in front of the old Sterling Building (grey building) next to the Temple  THERE IS NO PARKING IN THE TEMPLE (PINK BUILDING) LOT.  This lot has more parking and easier in and out.  .

Protecting Recreational Access in Perpetuity

The Edwards Soccer Fields were protected by the Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust in partnership with the Trust for Public Land in the early 1990s.

This 11-acre complex is located on the east bank of the Merrimack River off Edwards Street.  When you drive over the Rourke Bridge, these are the fields that you see.

The Lowell Youth Soccer Association gave LP&CT its 2010 award “In appreciation for your efforts in acquiring the lands for Edwards Field.”

In 2008, the fields were officially dedicated to Edward J. Walsh, as the Edward J. Walsh Soccer Complex.