Film: We Are Guardians

Categories: Events

Event Date:

Start Time: 6:30 PM

End Time: 8:30 PM

Location: The Second Floor Events Center at the Boott Cotton Mills Museum, 115 John St, Lowell, MA 01852


About The Film: In the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, thousands of people are unlawfully invading protected lands, devastating centuries-old forests for resources and fast profits. Now, as the health of the entire Amazon teeters at the edge, will Brazil and the world take notice?

View the trailer HERE.

90 min. 2023.

Please note location change to new venue: 2nd Floor Events Center at the Boott Cotton Mills Museum, 115 John St, Lowell, MA 01852

Free event in partnership with the Lowell Film Collaborative and the Lowell National Historical Park. A big thank you to our sponsor, Enterprise Bank, for making this film series possible.

Event Sponsors