Flora & Fauna Found In Lowell

One of the reasons we work to preserve land throughout Lowell is to protect our native plant and animal species in their natural habitat.  Many of these species have been greatly impacted by agriculture, deforestation, and development over the years.

Plants are essential to the survival of humans, insects, birds and the entire web of life.  From providing the food we and other animals eat, to mitigating climate change, the important role of plants cannot be overstated.

Native plants in particular have symbiotic relationships with animals that have evolved over hundreds of years.  Monarch butterflies and milkweed plants are one of the more well known, however, there are many more interactions happening everyday in nature.  Our conservation efforts will help enable this precious ecosystem to thrive for years to come.

Here you’ll find background information on some of the native plants and animals you could find on our properties and throughout the Greater Lowell area.  Let us know if you’ve seen any of them or have suggestions for others!