Learning to make insects fun

Insects get a mixed reaction in our after-school program.
We often discuss the importance of insects as pollinators. Butterflies, bees, and ants can sure generate some great storytelling!
Recently, staff had the chance to meet Dr. Samuel Ramsey, of the USDA Bee Research Laboratory through a virtual day of professional development at the MEES annual conference (Massachusetts Environmental Education Society). “Dr. Sammy”, known as “Your Friendly Neighborhood Entomologist,” was the keynote speaker. He gave a compelling talk about Biodiversity and Diversity in Biology, sharing his own story of perseverance in earning his doctorate degree. Dr. Sammy shared “why ecosystems thrive with diversity, why human systems follow the same pattern, and why his efforts to educate the public about insects are more than just a fun way to engage with social media.”
You may have seen Dr. Sammy on the national news networks last year during the 17-year cicada “buzz”, in a TED Talk, or on an episode of “Your Attention Please” on Hulu. Among other topics, Dr. Sammy’s research focuses on what is killing honeybees and causing other pollinators to decline.
We recommend perusing the beautiful photographs and other information on his website and plan to share his lessons and photos with our students.
We love teaching our students how important insects are to our ecosystem, and Dr. Sammy is certainly bringing this topic to the international stage in an exciting way.
Photo credit: https://www.drsammy.online/