Virtual Seek Challenge: August 2020 Pollinator Challenge

Categories: Events, News
seek august pollinator challenge August 2020

Event Date:

Location: at-home

More Information

Calling all curious explorers! Do you find yourself wondering how many diverse species live ALL around you, but can’t identify them?

*Download this FREE app to participate in our Seek Challenge.* 

Thanks to an application called Seek, you can now identify everything from fungi and plants to large mammals – right on your phone.

Rules & Challenge Requirements:

  • First, download the App Seek to your smartphone or iPad.

  • If you’d like, set up an email to link to iNaturalist, another useful app.

  • In the menu tab, click “Challenges”

  • Join the August Seek Challenge “Pollinator Challenge”

  • Don’t limit yourself to the August challenge, you can earn badges for the more species you identify.

  • Post your exciting findings throughout the month of August and tag us Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust or comment in the Facebook event discussion

Tips & Tricks

You can earn badges for your accomplishments.
Look high and low – nature is everywhere!

Challenge yourself to begin in your backyard, then expand to local open spaces.

More about Seek >>