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Do you want to make a difference and help conservation while you shop?  

Favorite Us on Ebay

 If you sell items on EBay you can select the Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust to be a recipient of a portion or all of the proceeds of an item you are selling.  

One of our favorite Ebay stories has to do with nail polish and the artist Prince: Elena Kalogeropoulos won an Ebay contest and named us as the recipient for all the sales of a special purple color of nail polish from Lynnderella Lacquers. She decided to have the proceeds benefit LP&CT.  Here’s what Elena said about the impact of her donation:

“Preserving and rehabilitating our diverse urban landscape is such a worthy cause.  This city has given so much to me, I always want to contribute in any way I can.  It’s so awesome when something you enjoy can help what you love.”