Spalding House Landscaping

The historic Spalding House has a new outdoor classroom space. New granite block stairs (recycled curbstone) lead up to a large patio area. Stone walls and native shrubs now outline a small area of lawn for a student gathering space.
Explore the Space:
A bluestone walkway leads to the recently created Spalding House Park, which overlooks Pawtucket Falls on the Merrimack River. From the park you can connect to the Northern Canal Walkway, the Lowell National Historical Park’s Blacksmith’s Shop or MA DCR’s Gatekeeper’s House (curatorial program).
Our Long-term Plan:
In the near future, we hope to expand visitation to the Spalding House. Large groups can arrive by bus or boat and clearly envision the home’s importance along the Merrimack River when first built in 1760.
Imagine the history…
In the late 1700’s the Spalding House was known as the Moses Davis Inn, providing lodging for bargekeepers that we’re bringing lumber down from New Hampshire. In order to get over Pawtucket Falls they would have to take apart their barges and portage (carry) them downriver to where the LeLacheur baseball stadium know stands.