Environmental Education

Lowell Leaders In Stewardship at the Land Trust Alliance Rally in 2014

Lowell Leaders In Stewardship present at the National Land Conservation Conference.

Changing Lives – Inside & Outside

The Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust’s after-school program, Lowell Leaders in Stewardship (LLIS), connects kids and young adults to nature, to their community, and to each other, as well as contributing to the health and vitality of Lowell.

This STEM-based program builds upon our promise to the community as a land trust – to protect conservation land and special places in Lowell – in perpetuity. Our goal is to engage future generations in the stewardship of Lowell’s natural resources and special places.

The result is a growing number of families, community members, and city leaders who realize that conservation can change lives, every day.

The Partnership – Where the Magic Happens

 Lowell Leaders in Stewardship (LLIS) is offered in partnership with the Lowell Public Schools and Mass Audubon’s Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary.

Our unique partnership with Mass Audubon leverages resources that neither organization could deliver alone: LP&CT provides local knowledge, resources, and partnership collaborations, and Mass Audubon brings live native wildlife, plus curriculum and program evaluation expertise.

Together, we can offer a program focused on experiential learning and youth engagement, providing students the opportunity to contribute to improving the world around them in such a way that they can see positive change on the ground.

Since 2005, the program has grown from a single program offered once-a-week to being offered every afternoon in three locations across ten of Lowell’s schools, throughout the school year and for the month of July.  Details about current programs and sites are available here.

Collecting insects with nets along trail

Collecting insects with nets along trail

Our Goals

The city of Lowell was built from the rich natural resources of the Merrimack and Concord Rivers and was the home of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century.  Lowell has many diverse habitats and is rich in natural resources, but most youth are unaware of these treasures.

Through this program, we connect students to their larger community by exploration and projects where they can apply the skills they learn in school to everyday situations.  The explorations we do together are designed to be fun, interactive, and increase their knowledge of Lowell’s resources, while instilling a sense of confidence and pride in their community and watershed.

Exploring Lowell

Visiting the confluence of the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

Visiting the confluence of the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

What better way to learn about our local environment than to explore it! Through LLIS programming, we make use of various outdoor classrooms – our local green spaces.

Our outdoor classrooms include:

Awards for Lowell Leaders in Stewardship

2023: Several EYTF and TREES students win Youth and Climate Change awards at Lowell Sustainability Summit

2022: Congressional and State Citations – for the Environmental Youth Task Force, Congresswoman Lori Trahan and State Representative Vanna Howard

2017: Excellence in Energy and Environmental Education Award from Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs

2017: River Stewardship Award from the SuAsCo River Stewardship Council.

2014: Featured in the Land Trust Alliance’s Saving Land magazine. Read the inspiring article here!

2013: River Stewardship Award from the SuAsCo River Stewardship Council.

2012: Congressional citation from Congresswoman Niki Tsongas for their hard work, dedication, and stewardship projects on Lowell’s rivers and special places.

2009: LP&CT’s environmental education program, was awarded honors at the State House from Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Ian Bowles, at the “Secretary’s Awards for Excellence in Energy and Environmental Education.”


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